Saturday 28 February 2015

Bunnies and Bears

I have a real love/hate relationship with crafting. I desperately would love to be one of those calm, serene folks who floats gracefully around, absorbed in craft work. They seem to find it effortless to decide what to do and for what purpose.

I, on the other hand, am pretty much a disaster area when it comes to crafting. Having my hands busy helps keeps the symptoms of my bipolar disorder at bay and I genuinely love seeing things emerge.

BUT...what to do, what to do? And, equally important, how to keep my craft area in some semblance of order?

I start a project, I get fed up with it and abandon it. I buy a new pattern, sure that this will be THE thing that will satisfy my crafty cravings. Then I trawl the Internet and find something else.

This all brings me to my Bunnies and Bears. There are 3 people whom I particularly admire for selling their toys. One sells crocheted rabbits (Green Rabbit Designs), one sells linen hares and mice (Patchwork Chickens) and one sells knitted bears and hares (Cotuit Bay Knitter).

So, I have decided that I need to focus myself more and to that end, I have started making Bunnies and Bears, sticking to one basic formula. 

I have put some up for sale on Etsy and this morning, I got a sale. So, I will try not to flit around as much and see if I can concentrate more.

But I don't know if that's the right way to go ...


  1. Do not forget, the journey - not the destination - is what crafting is all about. Whatever you make is going to be an expression of who you are, so no matter what, It will be beautiful.

  2. I love all your animals, but my favourite in this series is the rabbit with different coloured legs. I really don't think you should beat yourself up about your crafting. Everything you make is so beautiful. xx

  3. Thanks, both. The problem with the rabbit you like,
    Eileen (and it's my favourite too) is that the pattern writer expressly prohibits anyone selling toys made from her patterns.

  4. Congrats on the sale! When you figure out the secret to tidy crafting, please let me know. lol I treasure my Valentina rabbit and can't wait until I can unpack her and put her in her new bedroom!
